How to Deal with Family:
Ditch the drama and heal your heart
If you’re struggling with feelings of guilt, resentment, anxiety, or just not liking who you become when you deal with your family, it’s time to let go of those old patterns so you can be yourself.
Abandon the Apologies:
Break the Cycle of People Pleasing and
Take Pride in Who You Are
Are you tired of living your life for everyone but yourself?
This 90 minute workshop will give you the perspectives, tools, and skills to change how you approach your relationships with others in a way that is respectful to everyone involved — including yourself!
Rituals of Release:
How to Make Room for Your New Life
You know the feeling: overwhelmed and maybe even trapped.
You want to change your life, but nothing seems to work.
Maybe it’s time to let go of
what’s been holding you down.
Navigating Life:
8 Different Strategies to Guide Your Way
Do you feel like you’re being pulled in so many directions that you don’t know which way to go?
You know you are here on this planet to have an impact, but there seem to be so many possibilities and opportunities (and responsibilities and obligations!) — how can you be sure that you’re headed the right way?
Navigating Life: 8 Different Strategies to Guide Your Way is a concise, practical book that gives you the tools to move ahead with confidence and grace.
Free Resources Below
Reconnect with Now:
a walking meditation
Unlike many meditations that focus on stillness and “emptying the mind,” this embodiment exercise incorporates the physical movement of walking to help you get out of your head so you can experience the clarity and grace of the current moment.
Change your map, change your life!
Have you ever noticed that different people can have almost exactly the same thing happen to them, yet respond in very different ways? Download the free ebook, The Map Of Your Life, to see how changing your perspectives can change both your experience AND your opportunities.